@Work Robot

The Chista @Work team was established at the Chista Technical and Vocational Training Complex (Aug 2018). The team members focused its research and development on the robotics lab on mobile robots to develop and robust robot and AI algorithms. In the research section working on making robot robust, intelligence, and optimization; using the machine learning and machine vision algorithms and models to detect and recognize objects and so on. and also have applications in the field of electronics and mechanics to improve and enhance robot movements. Also, training and working on research projects to transfer knowledge to team members can be mentioned over the years. The team participated in the RoboCup Asia – Pacific 2018 Championships for the first time in (Nov 2018) and with the knowledge and experience gained in this match tried to fix the deficiencies and shortcomings of their team.

The team consists of two team leaders (Reza Ghasemi and Suhair Salehi) and researchers, masters, and undergraduate students. Most members work on research projects, Each student individually researches the issues assigned to them (arm, navigation, ros, etc.).

RoboCup Asia – Pacific 2018

Chista @Work Technical Description Paper